Travel Bank

The Travel Bank system can be used for individual travellers or corporations. You, the airline, choose who and what can be refunded into a Travel Bank account. Plus you can direct your travellers to your website to spend the accrued credits increasing your online market share.
How does a passenger join the Travel Bank program?
When a passenger changes travel plans and the ticket needs to be refunded or exchanged the outstanding balance is credited to either an existing account or a new account is created for a passenger that has not had a refund previously.
Refunds or part exchange balances are credited to a Travel Bank account as 'soft' dollars that can only be used to purchase a new ticket for further travel.
Purchasing a new ticket can be fulfilled either online throught the airlines booking engine or via the airlines agent reservations system.
Credit expiry limits are set by the airline so unused dollars do not become a financial liability for the airline.
The program is beneficial for both the airline and the passenger. Travel Bank assists the airline to build loyalty amongst passengers by allowing credits on unused tickets towards future travel.
Travel Bank can be used for both individual travellers and corporations. For more information about Travel Bank contact %1